Our off-grid solar systems offer a world of new energy opportunities in places where access conventional power lines are too impractical or too expensive. Asteven Solar is one of Nigeria leading solar companies in engineering, building and maintaining off-grid solutions.
Highly efficient off-grid solar systems allow energy generation in any location with sufficient sunlight. Off-grid solar provides a cost-effective, low-maintenance, and reliable solution for many applications.
ASteven Solar continues to find creative ground and innovative ways of using storage for on-site resiliency as well as for grid benefits when sold to grid operators. Resiliency is at the forefront of mind with superstorms and climate change. Asteven Solar offers a variety of innovative, comprehensive, renewable solutions to meet customer energy requirements.
Villages can now have access to electricity by investing in their own mini-grid power plant. The size of a solar mini-grid depends upon the number of solar panels and wattage comprising the solar array. The requirement and size of a mini-grid is calculated by adding the power needs of individual homes in the village that will be connected together.
A typical solar mini-grid can range from 10 KW to several megawatts. A typical rural house requires approximately 5 units of electricity and so, for a village of 100 homes, a 20 KW mini-grid is sufficient. A 20 KW plant helps generate electricity worth NGN 500, 000.00 per year.